Get to know your TOWN
Greenville, Pennsylvania
Located north of Interstate 80 and west of Interstate 79, the Town of Greenville is a pleasant residential community with a population of around 5,700 people. The town has established quality schools, a local hospital, and a deep-rooted college. Greenville is conveniently located a short distance away from Erie, Pittsburgh, and Cleveland, offering residents the opportunity to enjoy cultural venues, professional sports events, and great entertainment. With a small-town atmosphere and a mix of light commercial industry and small businesses, Greenville is a great place to call home.
Contact Us
125 Main Street
Greenville, PA 16125
8:00am - 4:30pm
Fax: (724-588-1197
Town Council
Paul Hamill—Mayor Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Jean Carr-Fisher—Deputy Mayor Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Anne Butcher—Councilor Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Evan Hereford—Councilor Term Expires: 12/31/2025
Chad Bromley–-Councilor Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Brian Shipley—Councilor Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Linda Zuschlag—Councilor Term Expires: 12/31/2027
Jasson Urey—Borough Manager
Rosalynn Reagle—Assistant Manager
Dave Hetrick—Fiscal Assistant
Amy Hollowell—Administrative Assistant
Carrie Marsteller—Clerical Assistant
Matt Breedlove—Director of Community Development, Code Officer, and Zoning Officer
Important Information
Council Meeting Dates:
Council Regular Meeting is the 2nd Monday each month and Council Work Session is the preceding Wednesday. All meetings start at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers.
Sanitary Authority Meeting Dates:
2023/2024 Sanitary Authority Meetings are scheduled as follows: October 24, 2024, January 23, 2025, April 24, 2025, July 24, 2025. All meetings start at 6:00 pm in Council Chambers.
The Greenville Police Department is comprised of 10 sworn police officers and the Mayor, as the elected official, who oversees the department. The sworn police officers consist of 1 Lieu-tenant, 1 Sergeant, 5 full-time patrol-men, and 3 part-time patrolmen. Each sworn officer has at least a high school diploma, and has completed the required Act 120 training. However most of the officers have backgrounds in the military, college, or both. All officers have also attended numerous specialized training seminars. These seminars consist of everything from homicide investigations to how to conduct a routine traffic stop. All aspects of police training are constantly being updated, and the Greenville Police Departments goal is to attend these current training sessions so as to better serve our community. → more
The Greenville Fire Department provides essential emergency and non-emergency services to the residents and visitors of the Borough of Greenville. We are a combination fire department consisting of 1 Captain, 3 full-time, 7 part-time firefighters and 2 volunteer firefighters. In addition to providing response to fire related emergencies, we provide emergency medical care, rescue and extrication and hazardous material mitigation. Numerous services are provided to the community such as a free smoke detector program, stand-by safety services for large public events, fire prevention and code enforcement activities, fire hydrant and vehicle fleet maintenance, fire cause investigation and traffic signal maintenance. The department maintains training and education facilities for the firefighters as well as a health and physical fitness program. → more
Public Works is dedicated to providing creative, friendly service while maintaining the borough’s infrastructure. The department maintains: 31 miles of roads, over a mile of public sidewalks, a one hundred year old storm sewer system, Composting site and assist other departments maintenance needs. The department ensures public safety by responding to weather-related emergencies such as flooding, and snow and ice control, and other accidents and disasters. → more
The Borough administration staff consists of the Borough Manager, the Administrative Assistant, the Financial Assistant, and the Director of Public Services and Community Development who handle a wide range of responsibilities for the Borough. → more
Aqua Pennsylvania provides wastewater service for the town of Greenville. You can find more information on Aqua Pennsylvania’s wastewater services here.
The major responsibilities of the Greenville Code Enforcement Department are: The Pennsylvania Uniform Construction Code (UCC), Greenville Property Maintenance Codes and Ordinances, Borough Permits, Zoning Ordinance, and General Assistant and CDBG Delivery. → more
This service is required to be obtained by every residence and business within the municipality. Detailed information regarding this requirement can be found in Chapter 463 of the Code section on our website. Borough Council advertises for bids and awards the contract for collection to the lowest bidder ensuring the best service for the lowest cost. The most current contract has been awarded to Tri-County Industries, Inc. During the bidding process, Council negotiates additional curb-side services like leaf pick up and Household Hazardous Waste & Electronic Waste Collection. Spring and Fall dates for the leaf pick up will be posted on our website and leaves must be placed in biodegradable bags to be picked up. HHW items can be picked up by calling Tri-County Industries office and scheduling an appointment. → more
Dogs and cats are prohibited from running at large, defiling of property, frequently barking, howling, screeching, or baying and must be kept under control.
A solicitor’s permit is required to solicit in the Borough of Greenville. If you are approached by anyone selling items or services you do have the right to ask to see their permit. A permit can be obtained at the Greenville Police Department at 125 Main Street. Solicitation Form
Owning any property other than your personal residence is known as owning a Non-Owner Occupied Property. The Borough of Greenville requires all properties of this distinction to complete and submit the necessary form and have an inspection on an annual basis. Non-Owner Occupied Property Inspection Application
Prior to any change in ownership, a sewer lateral inspection is required for every residential and commercial structure. After the lateral passes the inspection, a certificate will be issued valid for a two year period. The inspection is completed by running a camera from the structure to the main line. This provides assurance that the lateral is functioning properly and is void of any unauthorized infiltration into our sanitary system. The fee for the inspection is based on the type of structure. Sewer Lateral Inspection Form
This annual fee will be assessed on every parcel that contains any impervious surface. Examples of impervious surfaces include buildings, driveways, parking lots, sidewalks, and any other improvements that water cannot absorb into naturally. The rain and snow/ice melt that runs off of these surfaces creates an increased demand on the storm water infrastructure. Without regular maintenance, the system deteriorates to the point of failure. By assessing this fee on all parcels, the necessary funds can be collected to properly maintain the system. For more detailed information regarding this fee and how it is calculated, please visit the Public Services Department on our website. → more
Greenville’s Public Works department offers tree limb chipper service on the last Monday of the month. Call the Borough office to be placed on the list.
We request your help to keep all our street lights working properly. If you see any street light out or flashing, just look for the identification number, located at eye level on the pole, and note the street and nearest cross street the light is located on. Then call the Borough office and we will notify Penn Power.
Frank Vanderslice, Tax Collector, has his office at 10 North Main Street. Office hours are 10:00am-2:00pm & 4:00pm-6:00pm on Tuesday and 10:00am-2:00pm on Thursday.
Emergency responders need to be able to locate your address quickly. Street address numbers are required to be posted on all buildings that an address has be assigned. The numbers are required to be Arabic numerals a minimum 4” high with a ½” brush stroke. Numbers shall be easily visible from the street and of a color contrasting to the background. Reflective numbers are recommended. Posting apartment numbers and letters on apartment entry doors is also helpful to emergency responders.
The Greenville Fire Department provides assistance with the installation of smoke alarms. Please refer to Chapter 7, Fire Safety Requirements, Section 704.2, Smoke Alarms, numbers 1 through 3 in the International Property Maintenance Code for requirements. → more
Review all Ordinances, Resolutions and Budgets adopted by the Borough of Greenville Council here. If you have questions or would like any additional information regarding these, please feel free to call us or visit our office.
A building permit, if required, may be obtained at the municipal building or you can download them here.
No Permit Required
Here are some common maintenance and repair jobs which can be done without a Building Permit (not an all-inclusive list):
Painting – inside and outside
Lawns and landscaping
Add paneling, dry wall or plaster to existing walls
Redecorating – including wall papering
Add closets or other minor built-ins
New ceilings
New furnace – air conditioner – electronic air cleaner
Weather stripping, storm windows and doors
Automatic water heater
Add or replace gutters and downspouts
Repair or replace existing masonry
Replace, worn plumbing sections
Replace, worn electrical fixtures
Repairing porches and steps
Repair or replace sidewalks or drives
** Please contact the Code Office prior to purchasing, leasing, or renovating a building. We can offer a free walk-thru with the Director of Public Services and the State Building Inspector to help answer any questions that will aide in the process. Meetings and walk-through’s like this can save you a tremendous amount of time and money.
Permit Required
Here are some common improvements which will require a Building Permit (not an all-inclusive list):
New construction – house, garage, shed, etc.
Creating additional living space
Add a recreation or similar use room
Extra bedroom – bath
Add porch or patio over 30” in height
Structural change
New foundation – replacing existing walls
Demolition of an existing structure
Moving of an existing structure
Swimming pools – underground or above ground
Change of use
Zoning permits are required for new construction, change from single family to multiple family use and other property changes. Most often these requirements are considered at the same time as the building permit application is submitted for approval.
NOTE: The Director of Public Services and Building Inspector shall have power to interpret and implement the provisions of the building codes by authority of Borough Ordinance. Please contact the Code Office for any and all questions regarding building perm