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Greenville Town Council meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 6:30pm in council chambers, located in the Municipal Building at 125 Main Street. Work Sessions are held on the Wednesday preceding each monthly council meeting. We warmly welcome the public to both meetings.
Frank Vanderslice, Tax Collector, has his office at 16 North Main Street. Office hours are 10-2 & 4-6 Tuesday and 10-2 Thursday. Phone 724.588.5641.
Emergency responders need to be able to locate your address quickly. Street address numbers are required to be posted on all buildings that an address has been assigned. The numbers are required to be Arabic numerals a minimum 4" high with a 1/2" brush stroke. Numbers shall be easily visible from the street and of a color contrasting to the background. Reflective numbers are recommended. Posting apartment numbers and letters on apartment entry doors is also helpful to emergency responders.
As part of the residential solid waste and recycling contract with Tri-County Industries, you have a convenient new opportunity to dispose of your household generated special materials - safely, easily and responsibly. Introducing At Your Door Special Collection, a residential service offered by Tri-County Industries to provide year-round collections for you. HHW Information. For more information please call (724) 748-4705 or toll-free at (800) 457-8202, email to customerservice@tricountyind.com; or visit their website.
We request your help to keep all our street lights working properly. If you see any street light out or flashing, just look for the identification number, located at eye level on the pole, and note the street AND nearest cross street the light is located on. Then call the Town administrative office, 724.588.4193 x402 and we will notify Penn Power. Most lights are repaired in 3 days.
Working smoke alarms are required in all residential buildings. Smoke alarms are to be located outside sleeping rooms and one on every other floor. The Greenville Fire Department provides assistance with the installation of smoke alarms and can be reached at 724-588-3111.
According to Ordinance 1514, home owners that have property other than personal residence are required yearly to submit a list of adult tenants, whether they pay rent or not. If your building is empty, we need to know that too. A complete copy of Ordinance 1514 plus a Tenant Registration form can be found here.
Wondering how to get rid of those tree limbs that came down in the last wind storm? Greenville's Public Works department offers tree limb chipper service on the last Monday of the month. Piles are to be no larger than 4’ X 8’ with cut ends to the road. This service is not intended to be used to chip an entire tree, you will need to contract with a professional company for that. Call the Town administrative office at 724.588.4193 ext. 402 to be placed on the list.
Greenville Borough Zoning Map
How do I contact the code officer?
Call the code office at 724-588-4193, ext 408. The code officer is available Monday – Friday 8:00am-4:30pm.
What are the two types of building permits in the Town?
own of Greenville Permits - Small projects, like a small storage shed, only require the code officer to inspect your “set backs,” the amount of space you have between new shed and your neighbor’s property line. If you are unsure if you need a permit please call the code office. Bureau Veritas Permits - Large projects, like new electrical service, a new garage and any changes to the existing structure, like enlarging a window, do require inspections. The Town has hired Bureau Veritas to handle these projects. Just pick up an application in the Town office, fill it out, including a drawing or blueprints of the project, and return it to the Town. Bureau Veritas calculates their fee, which is paid when you pick up your building permit. From that point you have direct contact with Bureau Veritas to answer any questions and perform your inspections.
How do I report a fire hazard or fire code violation?
A citizen can report a potential fire hazard, unsafe conditions related to fire safety or a fire code violation inside or outside a private residential or public building to the Department of Fire Prevention 24 hours a day at 724-588-3111. Some common complaints received are non-working or non-existent smoke detectors, combustible trash accumulation, obstructed exit doors and Exit signs, damaged fire hydrants, and electrical hazards.
What is the fire insurance rating of the Town of Greenville?
The Town of Greenville maintains a Class 4 fire insurance rating (also known as the Public Protection Classification). The rating is determined by a survey conducted by the Insurance Service Office (ISO). ISO surveys the fire protection capabilities of the Town of Greenville every 15 years. The survey includes three critical areas; (1) fire alarm handling which includes the 9-1-1 telephone system and dispatch capabilities, (2) the available water supply for fire protection and (3) the staffing and firefighting equipment maintained by the fire department. ISO assigns a fire protection class number between 1 and 10 to the community. The lower the fire protection class number the better the rating. A low fire protection class number provides a financial benefit to property owners as it is used in figuring fire insurance premiums in that community.
Why are the caps and bonnets of fire hydrant painted different colors?
Fire hydrants are color coded to indicate the amount of water (gallons per minute) that is available from that fire hydrant. The gallons per minute are determined during flow testing of fire hydrants. Fire hydrant color coding, as recommended by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Guideline No. 291, is as follows:
► Fire hydrant body - Chrome Yellow
► Caps and Bonnet
Class C | Less than 500 GPM | RedClass B | 500-999 GPM | OrangeClass A | 1000-1499 GPM | GreenClass AA | 1500 GPM & Above | Light Blue
NOTE: In Greenville, fire hydrants that are painted all black are permanently shut off. Those that are painted silver and red flow less than 300 gpm.
What are the requirements for a car seat? Booster seat?
Children under 4yoa. – Any person who transports a child under 4years of age anywhere in the motor vehicle shall fasten the child securely in a child passenger restraint system. Children 4yoa – under 8yoa. – Any person who transports a child between 4 and 8 shall fasten the child securely in a fastened safety belt system and in an appropriately fitting child booster seat. There are no set weight limits but exemptions can be made if there are physical reasons why the seats would be impractical.
What are the curfew hours during the school year? During the summer?
During the school year the curfew hours are: Sunday evening – Thursday evening 10:00pm, Friday evening – Saturday evening 12:00am. During the summer when school is not in session: Sunday evening – Thursday evening 11:00pm, Friday evening – Saturday evening 12:00am.
How do I speak to an officer if the police station is not occupied?
Dial 724-662-6110 for all non-emergency calls and advise the county dispatcher that you would like to speak to one of the Greenville Police Officers. The dispatcher will then advise an officer to contact you by phone, or to go to your location to speak to you. If you have an emergency, dial 911.
Who do I contact if I have a civil complaint?
Contact the District Magistrates office at 724-588-3210 If you are not sure if the problem in question is civil or criminal you may contact the Police Department or the District Magistrates office. Any criminal complaints please dial 911.
Why do I have to get a permit to excavate on my property?
State law requires that you make the Pa. One Call every time you dig. The town requires that you get an excavation permit when you are digging in the street right of way, street, alley or town property.
Does the town issue one call permits?
No, they are issued by the Pa. One Call System (1 800-242 1776).
Where does waste water come from?
Homes--human and household wastes from toilets, sinks, baths, dishwashers, garbage grinders, clothes washers and drains.
Industry, Schools, and Business--chemical and other wastes from factories, food-service operations, school activities, hospitals, shopping centers, etc.
Storm Water Infiltration and Inflow from Runoff and Groundwater--water that enters the sanitary sewer system during a storm, as well as groundwater that enters through cracks in sewers. The Town of Greenville has one set of sewers for wastewater from homes and businesses (sanitary sewers) and a separate system for storm water runoff (storm sewers) On the average, each person in the U.S. contributes 75-100 gallons of wastewater every day.
Why am I getting a sewage smell in my home?
There is always odor in the sanitary sewer system. It is not allowed to enter your home because of traps in your plumbing system. The trap lays full of water so the odor can not come into your home. In most situations of odor, water has evaporated from a basement drain that is rarely used, allowing fumes from the sewer to come into the home. Usually dumping a bucket of water into all basement drains will correct an odor problem.