Redevelopment Authority
About the Redevelopment Authority
The Redevelopment Authority of Greenville was created by the the Greenville City Council.
The Borough of Greenville, a Home Rule Community of the Community of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, adopted Ordinance Number 1620, on August 8, 2022, declaring the need for a Redevelopment Authority. In accordance with the Urban Redevelopment Law, 53 P.S. ‘1701 et seq., a Certificate of Authority for the Redevelopment Authority of the Borough of Greenville was filed and recorded with the Corporation Bureau of the Pennsylvania Department of February 22, 2023.
They have determined that there is a need to plan and implement activities needed to redevelop underutilized, deteriorated, or blighted areas, to encourage new development, promote growth, create tax revenue, and create new jobs for the Borough of Greenville.
Commission and Terms
The Borough Council shall appoint, as members of the Authority, five citizens, Members of the Authority shall be residents of the Borough of Greenville.
The term of office shall be five years, with the terms of one member expiring each year. A member shall hold office until his successor has been appointed.
Powers and Duties
The Redevelopment Authority of the Borough of Greenville shall constitute a public body, exercising public powers of the Commonwealth as an agency thereof, which powers shall include all powers necessary or appropriate to carry out and effectuate the purposes and provisions of the Urban Redevelopment Law.
Monthly meetings on the third Tuesday of each month or at such other times as the Authority may from time to tome designate.
Time: 8:00 AM
Location: 125 W Main St, Greenville, PA 16125
Mission Statement
“To promote, revitalize, and create sustainable opportunities for the community of Greenville Borough.”
Important Information
Preliminary Budget for Sale Proceeds for Sanitary System
Greenville Area Brownfields Redevelopment Plan
Town of Greenville, Mercer County, PA Economic Development Strategy
What would you like to see?
It all begins with an idea. Please provide proposals for what you would like to see the Redevelopment Authority achieve. All of your ideas are appreciated.
Meet the Members
Contact us.
Brandon Mirizio- Ph: 724-977-4241
Marty Johnson- Email:
Roberta Leonard- Ph: 724-456-1653
Benjamin Beck - Ph: (724) 588-7150
Ed Taczanowsky- Email:
Martin Johnson 12-31-2024
Benjamin Beck 12-31-2025
Roberta Leonard 12-31-2026
Edward Taczanowsky 12-31-2027
Brandon Mirizio 12-31-2028