What’s the Greenville Planning Commission working on?

The Greenville Planning Commission is currently working with the consulting firm of Mackin Engineering Company. This project includes a review and assistance with updating the Zoning Districts, the allowable Uses in each Zoning District, and a review of the entire Zoning Ordinance. Work is also being done to draft a Subdivision and Land Use Development Ordinance (SALDO). Currently, the Borough follows the SALDO that Mercer County has adopted. Above you will see the current Zoning Map and the draft version of the Proposed Zoning Map.

To review the draft of the Use Table, click here.

To review the draft of the Zoning Map, click here.

We look forward to hearing your questions, comments, and concerns regarding the drafts that have been proposed. The Administrative staff can be reached at the municipal building 8 am to 12 pm & 1 pm to 4:30 pm Monday through Friday. You may also contact us through email at

The Planning Commission membership consists of: Chair, Jonathan Bailey; Vice-Chair, John Hauser; Secretary, Anne Butcher; Paul Hamill; Trey Wilt

Questions, comments, and concerns may also be directly sent to our Consultant, Brandi Rosselli, AICP, at


Monthly meetings on the first Friday of each month or at such other times as the Commission may from time to time designate.

Meeting Dates

Time: 8:00 AM

Location: 125 W Main St, Greenville, PA 16125