Greenville, Pennsylvania
The Town of Greenville, with approximately 5,700 inhabitants, is a fine residential community with light commercial industry and small businesses, located north of Interstate 80 and west of Interstate 79. The community has established quality schools, a convenient local hospital, and a deep-rooted college. Greenville is conveniently within a short driving distance from Erie, Pittsburgh, and Cleveland. The Town of Greenville offers a small-town atmosphere with opportunities to enjoy cultural venues and great entertainment.
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Economic Development Strategy
The purpose of economic development is to enhance the business environment for a range of business, and their leaders, managers and employees. To do this, economic developers seek ways to strengthen the community’s capacity for business attraction, retention, and expansion, and strengthen the community’s tax base. As we will discuss in this report, all of these goals require the creation of a place that will attract people and give them a high quality of life – business leaders, entrepreneurs, residents, families, visitors, and workers.
The purpose of this study is to use data analysis and engagement with community leaders and stakeholders to understand Greenville’s economic and housing status. This information then will inform the development of strategies in support of economic development and continued growth of Greenville’s economy as the Town exits the Act 47 process.

Community Market
Central Park Community Market
The Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce has graciously volunteered to facilitate the Farmer’s Market. Please contact the Greenville Area Chamber of Commerce at 724-588-7150 for details including applications.
Recycling and Refuse Collection
Local Recycling Guides
Learn more about Tri-County Industries guidelines for recycling and refuse collection. Download guidelines and information on: Electronics Recycling, Medication Drug Disposal, What to do with Paint, etc.
Economic Development
Greenville Economic Development Strategies
As Greenville comes toward the exit stage of its Act 47 oversight, it is important to develop economic strategies which the Town leaders, residents, partners, and businesses can take forward to strengthen Greenville’s economic status into the future.

Greenville's Community is Strong.
The Town of Greenville has a deep-seated sense of fellowship, proving to be its strongest asset. Active citizens, community organizations, institutions, the business community, and the municipal government work together to create a tightly-knit community. Let's take a look at some of the partners that define us:
Over 1,000 kind-hearted volunteers from the Town came together for a remarkable 4-day period to construct a brand new playground in Riverside Park. The Greenville Area has been thriving lately with various community initiatives. The Committee to Promote Greenville has successfully raised funds to install a new community sign in front of the Municipal Building, providing information on public events. The Women's Action Group has sponsored a downtown mural, adding to the town's charm. Additionally, three new businesses have opened in the downtown area in the past six months. Our local fire department has maintained a Class 4 ISO fire rating, allowing homeowners and businesses to benefit from lower insurance rates. One of the biggest highlights of the town is Heritage Days, taking place on the first weekend of July, attracting thousands of people to Riverside Park for demonstrations and a car show on Main Street. It's also worth mentioning that Greenville has been the host community for the Greenville Symphony Orchestra since 1929, with concerts held at Thiel's Passavant Center. The Greenville Area Community Theatre is always welcoming volunteers and features many talented individuals.